Daily Archives: January 21, 2012


Bjerklie, D., Gorman, C., & Park, A. (2001). DIAGNOSING THE RISKS. Time, 158(16), 42.

This article is referring to the different risks that are associated with hte attacks of September 11, 2001. There are many fears that Americans are facing because they are curious of the fact that there could be more of a series of attacks than just the attack on 9/11.   Many different attacks that the terrorists could propose have been analyzed. There were talks of bichemical attacks, anthrax, hazamat, foot and mouth disease, and even nuclear weapons. All of these attacks are a threat to the United States. Some of these attacks could even be a threat to the terrorist before they would be a threat to us though because the highly contagious attacks would backfire an cause death in terrorists obtaining the bacteria. As Americans, we are only seeing the fear in these attacks to us, not all Americans realize that these attacks could bacfire on the terrorists as well. As Americans, we need to be able to have faith and courage in our country that we will not allow such attacks impact our society or our conscious.

I really enjoyed reading this article because it was senseful and also put more knowledge in my mind about the terrorist attacks going on in the world. Many people do not realize that there are more than just large attacks, there are also small attacks that could be brought on in a series throughout the war. This is relative to stem110 in a number of ways. It shows how technology is not only used for the good but it can be used to propose attacks on countries and people. Technology could be used to engineer new bacterias to go against the attacking bacterias. This would probably steer terrorists away from even trying to do miniscule attacks. I agree with this article when it says a series of small attacks could be done after the big 9/11 attack, however I also understand where they are coming from in the article when they say these attacks could backfire.

Diagnosing The Risks, Abstract 1